Remortgage Categories

Mortgage Calculator - How we can help you with your mortgage calculation.

How our mortgage calculator can help you.

Can I afford this mortgage ?
Ascertain what kind of home you purchase by calculating affordability using our calculator.

Do I qualify for this mortgage ?
Take into account your current budget and expenses to see what dispensible amount you can expend on a mortgage.

Rent or Buy ?
Age old question. Calculate to determine how much more, if indeed more, you will be paying to own the property as opposed to just renting it.

Can I reap tax benefits from this transaction ?
You might be surprised at the amount of tax benefit you might derive from a mortgage loan.

What will I be paying
Determine your initial investment and payments to come.

Principal Amount of the Mortgage.
You are able to see how much of the Principal Value of the mortgage you are paying off over any specified period.

Duration of the Mortgage
You are able to determin how long you will have to continue with the mortgage - depending on the amount that you pay monthly.